Newsletter - July 2023

July 26, 2023

On the hottest day in record, July 4, the Wiser Tournament successfully completed.
After long weeks of preparing and attending the Dharma assemblies in June, coming to Holy
Heavenly Lake to join the summer festival by the lakeshore was refreshing. A two-day
celebration, with the Wiser Tournament, a bazzar, art and craft workshops, food festival, and
the performance of the lighting the lantern, expressing our gratitude of being safe, healthy, and
peaceful, and to offer the prayer for the people who are suffering and lost.

We lit up the water lanterns, released them on the water carrying our wishes, for the peace and harmony for the whole word. Watching the peaceful night set in and the lotus lights lighting up the dark evening lake brought such deep sense of gratitude and calmness.

The outside world is created by our minds, and the source of the world peace and harmony come from our heart, from each one of us. May we be the messengers carrying the peace and harmony to the world.

We will behold the light we were transmitted, the inner peace and wisdom, to help and to serve the people around us. May it bring peace and harmony to the world!

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