Newsletter - Sep 2023

September 30, 2023
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The Youth Group is established!

The successful Wiser Tournament and the water lantern activities in July received a great deal of positive feedback and encouragement! These events not only set a great prelude for future operation of Buddhist Town, but also resulted in many young members displayed interest in future participation. In response, a Youth Group was established. It will be an avenue for young people to meet and exchange ideas! On September 17, the Youth Group task force had its first gathering by Holy Heavenly Lake, during which a lot of lively discussions, laughter and ideas were exchanged. Buddhist Town will be opened to serve the community, and to provide fun, educational and entertaining activities. We welcome all young people to join the task force and assist in developing ideas and programs. Buddhist Town also offers community service opportunities for young students. If you are interested in participating, please contact Susan or Kay at 626-639-8181.

The Fall Gardening Gathering

As Fall sets in and the heat subsides, the large lawn by the lake is turning into a beautiful rich green carpet, and the lake shore is begging for weeding and renewal before the arrival of winter. The maintenance volunteer group came to the rescue as usual. One group helped sort and replant the green house while a second group took charge of pruning all the trees along the lake shore, and another group went weeding and replanted the ground cover and water plants. The lakeshore is happy again!

Visiting a 3D construction printing company

As we explore structural and constructional technologies for the Phase One work, we are looking for creative modern technologies to construct the traditional Chinese-style temple garden buildings and the golden domes. It was a happy surprise to discover that we have a neighbor that specializes in 3D construction printing. Winsun Technology Inc. is located in Hesperia on Lemon Street, only 5 minutes away from Buddhist Town. President Yihe Ma came and gave us a very impressive presentation showing buildings the company has completed in Dubai, China, Oman and Qatar. We also took a tour of their operation, during which Mr. Ma personally demonstrated the printing machine in action. It was quite eye opening! Mr. Ma also offered to print some landscape furniture at Buddhist Town according to our designs, and welcomed volunteers to participate. Bravo! We will be looking forward to this event.

Preparation for the November gathering for Thanksgiving

New ParagraphWe are planning a Thanksgiving open house for our neighbors, schools, and partners in the community in November. We will start the planning and issue invitations soon. Come join us in the planning!

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