Dear Buddhist Town property owners, members, and friends, Season's Greetings!
Looking back at 2024
After repeated discussions, revisions, and refinements by our team of engineering consultants in consultation with the City, the Phase I project plans and the Phase II planning and engineering revision reports for the Holy Heavenly Lake Buddhist Town were finally submitted back to the City on December 18 to address various departmental comments. Following the November elections, we also began engaging with newly elected city council members and the new mayor, receiving positive feedback and support. The primary concerns stem from the potential future impacts of operations on traffic, roads, and public infrastructure, possibly inconveniencing the public. For a small city currently undergoing extensive development but with insufficient public infrastructure, it is understandable that the City is under pressure. We hope under the leadership of the new mayor and with the multifaceted support of several consultants, we can work together step by step to resolve these challenges! We pray for the smooth commencement of Buddhist Town's construction in 2025! Gratitude to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their blessings and to all participating organizations and volunteers for their relentless efforts.
Looking forward to 2025
Thanks to the efforts of our architectural team, the style and design of the Phase I projects have already taken vivid form. They showcase a diverse range of styles, from Chinese to European to Tibetan, forming the core of the Buddhist Town around Holy Heavenly Lake and Liberation Square. We have promised the City that the Phase I buildings will be completed and open to the public within three years after obtaining the construction permit. Meanwhile, the Phase II participants will continue to design their own Buddhist structures of various styles, showcasing diverse Buddhist cultures and enriching the cultural and artistic activities of Buddhist Town.
Therefore, for the June gathering this year, we sincerely invite Phase II participants to exhibit your design concepts. We are planning to invite our mayor, former mayors, city council members, local organizations and neighbors to join us and exchange ideas. We will also be able to better share the future vision of Buddhist Town with all True Dharma practitioners worldwide!
Building a community of shared values – Gratitude and Practice
從實體的社區到網路社區,佛教城本身就是實踐佛法展現的真理,分享給所有有緣的眾生,帶給眾生真實的利益,建立起共同生命體,同體大悲的真實體驗!創造出讓我們週邊鄰居都引以為傲,得時時享受平靜祥和的文化環境;在網路社群中,創造出眾生時時得以分享學習的歸屬社區。2025 年我們將繼續加強推動活動,擴大社區服務,建構網路平台推廣學習等,永遠懷抱感恩之心!感恩一切佛菩薩的加持與引導,願將一切利益迴向給所有眾生!祈願世界災難遠離,光明遍佈,眾生離苦得樂齊向佛道!