Newsletter - Nov 2023

November 8, 2023
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Respected Buddhist Town Property Owners, Members, and Friends, Greetings to all!

Thanksgiving Community Gathering at Holy Heavenly Lake Buddhist Town!

Over the years, neighbors from the surrounding areas have occasionally curiously peeked at our front gate, and some students from Buddhist classes organized by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche have also often made inquiries. Therefore, earlier this year, we decided to host a year-end event to promote neighborly relations. We decided to hold a small gathering on Sunday, November 19th, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the weekend just before Thanksgiving. During this event, we shared, expressed our gratitude, said our prayers, and released water lanterns together. After weeks of intensive preparation and distributing hundreds of invitation posters door-to-door, we decorated the event venue by the lake with lights and banners. Surrounding a seating area with a TV screen playing videos introducing HHL Buddhist Town were a hearty food area with finger food like hot chicken wings, pot stickers, mini pumpkin cakes, apple pies, and cheese and crackers, along with a fun snacks section where visitors could make their own popcorn or fruit dipped in chocolate fountains and roll their own cotton candy. The sports area included activities like wiser ball, soccer and kite flying; while the treasure hunt area provided various accessories, books, and cards from the gift shop of the International Art Museum of America. The arts and crafts area involved making origami cranes and molding sugar frosting animals, attracting both adults and children to participate joyfully!

Approximately 160 attended the event, including volunteers and many neighbors of all ages who came with their families. Some attendees brought their families after initially coming alone, expressing surprise at discovering such a beautiful lake nearby. The red and yellow leaves around the lake sparkled in the sunlight, creating a stunning golden-red landscape. As the sun set in the west, everyone gathered to express gratitude, pray, and release wish-fulfilling lanterns. Some neighbors were moved to tears; while others whispered to themselves as they watched their lotus-shaped lanterns float on the lake. Witnessing everyone's sincere involvement, without distinctions, reminded us that we all share the same aspirations for a better future. In this tumultuous world, let this moment of gratitude and tranquility guide us back to the freedom and beauty of our spirits! Infinite gratefulness!

Stay tuned

As 2023 approaches its end, this year's activities are drawing to a successful close. We have endeavored to advance future Buddhist Town activities, taking the first step in activity planning to connect more community members and true Dharma practitioners worldwide. Starting in 2024, through the continuous efforts of Buddhist Town Community Association volunteers, we will promote construction, activities, online platforms, learning, and outreach, providing a platform for true Dharma practitioners to exchange ideas and a venue for propagation the true Buddha Dharma. We will further promote community service and encourage and enhance the participation of the youth group in learning from Buddha and propagating the Buddha Dharma. We will keep updating website information, organizing activities, so please visit regularly and subscribe to receive our monthly newsletter. All friends interested in participating are welcome to join us! Buddhist Town is our home, and will always with arms wide open to welcome everyone!

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